
Review To Ghana Leading Food Waakye And Fried Fish

Review To Ghana Leading Food Waakye And Fried Fish
Written by ObibaJk


Review To Ghana Leading Food Waakye And Fried Fish

Food has been the source of energy for every human living a journey on this earth, without it we all will be perished from the face on the universe and in fact the truth is no animal can also continue living with out eating good food.

We you comes to Ghana, one of the trending food that many people eat in Waakye with Fried Fish or egg and wele. This food can stay in your body and keeps you going throughout the day till hunger calls on your door again.


You will need water
dried millet leaves
rice and beans
oil of your choice

Pour about 1 and half liter of clean water into a cooking pot and add in the washed millet leaf and put it on hot fire to boil for about 15 minutes, add the carefully washed beans and carefully add a little bit salt to the heated water and let it boil for another 15 minutes then add the rice also.

After 10 minutes do remove the millet stalk leaves and fluff with a spoon or fork and when it well cooked it then time to enjoy this tasty cooked Waakye with a stew or shito.

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